Great Lake T'ai Chi Ch'uan
Great Lake T'ai Chi Ch'uan

Who We Are


 Mark Westcott is a senior student of Maggie Newman of New York City. Mark has been studying T'ai chi for over 40 years with Maggie. He has been teaching since 1982 at which time Maggie passed her Rochester school on to him. Mark has also studied extensively with Ben Lo, Liu Hsi Heng, Yuan Wei-ming and Lenzie Williams.

Mark administrates and is one of 6 co-teachers at the annual Finger Lakes Tai Chi Camp begun by Maggie Newman and continued on by her senior students.

Jean Zimmermann is a student of Maggie Newman and has practiced T'ai Chi for 26 years. She studied with Maggie in both NYC and Philadelphia. Jean has received additional training through workshops and camps taught byBen Lo, Lenzie Williams, Yuan Wei-ming, Ed Young and Herman Kauz and sword fencing with Ken VanSickleCertified to teach by Maggie Newman in 2004, Jean has been teaching in Rochester since relocating here in 2006.
One of 6 co-teachers at Maggie's Legacy Camp in the Finger Lakes, Jean also conducts occasional Workshops in Rochester with invitees coming from NY, Philadelphia and DC.

Our T'ai Chi Lineage


Dedicated to the

continuous teaching of

Professor Cheng Man ch'ing's

Yang Style Short Form

in Rochester NY

Since 1982

Professor Cheng Man Ch'ing

Professor Cheng Man Ch'ing came to New York in the sixties and was one of the first to teach t'ai chi openly to non-Chinese students. Since then his Yang Short Form has become one of the most popular forms of T'ai chi world-wide. We teach the form as it was faithfully conveyed to us by Maggie Newman, an internationally respected senior student of Professor Cheng.

Maggie Newman


Maggie Newman is one of Professor Cheng's six original students in New York City.  She studied with him from 1964 until his death in 1975.  She is an internationally respected teacher of T'ai chi and has been for over 50 years. Maggie established classes in Philadelphia, New York and Rochester. The Rochester school was turned over to Mark in 1982 and has been run continuously as Great Lake T'ai Chi Ch'uan ever since.

Maggie Newman at Finger Lakes T'ai Chi Camp with Jean & Mark

Five Basic Tai Chi Principles:


Body Upright

Separation of Weight

Move from the Waist

Beautiful Lady's Wrist

"The practice of Tai Chi is about discovering yourself.  It's about forces of the world - both natural and unnatural and how one relates to them.  It's about focus and about balance. It's the understanding that things change and knowing how to stay centered throughout the changes."

                                 - Ed Young

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